P. 133


               Three  of  eight  hypotheses  were  confirmed.  As  predicted,  better  application  of  Social  Media  Governance  (SMG)  is
               associated with better organizational legitimacy (OL). This finding is consistent with legitimacy theory and previous
               studies; an organization that is maintaining or creating congruence between social values implied by the organizations’
               enactment of SMG, and the values embraced by society as reflected within the social contract will be deemed to be
               legitimate (Deegan, 2002; Linke & Zerfass, 2013; Mathews, 1997).

               Additionally,  this  magnitude  is  more  substantial  in  profit-oriented  organizations  and  the  organization  with  high
               members’ involvement in the decision-making process, as shown in clan culture. As supported by institutional theory,
               the social context where firms operate and the shared value and norms between members influence an organization’s
               behavior (Bretschneider & Parker, 2016; DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; Dyck et al., 2019; Meyer & Rowan, 1977).

               An organization with a high clan culture treats members as a family with the value of loyalty, trust, commitment,
               tradition, and effective governance (R. E. Quinn, 1988; Zammuto & Krakower, 1991). Conflicts and controversies rarely
               occur within the organizations because members have a sense of belonging and a high focus on ethics and unity
               (Linnenluecke & Griffiths, 2010). This unity will help to enforce organizations’ strategies, such as SMG, with less difficulty.

               Similarly, profit-oriented organizations also strengthen SMG’s positive association on legitimacy because they focus
               on enhancing their reputation in the market, image development, and gaining advantages to their operation activities

                                              Appendix A Robustness Tests
                                      Model 1           Model 2a          Model 2b          Model 2c                                              Model 2d              Model 3a              Model 3b              Model 3c
                                         Prob              Prob              Prob              Prob                                                Prob                  Prob                  Prob                  Prob
                   Variables  Prod
                                  Coef.  (1-  Sign  Coef.  (1-  Sign  Coef.  (1-  Sign  Coef.  (1-  Sign                                   Coef.   (1-    Sign    Coef.   (1-   Sign    Avg     (1-    Sign   Avg     (1-    Sign
                                        tailed)           tailed)           tailed)           tailed)                                             tailed)               tailed)                tailed)               tailed)
                Socmed Index  +  0.559137  0.0095  ***  -2.797359  0.1265  -0.8219297  0.3535  11.32589  0.025                            -4.549396  0.044       3.77665  0.006  ***  0.2049012  0.1375     0.8514855  0.0115  **
                OrgSize         -0.2407716  0.069  *  -0.229695  0.122  -0.2415785  0.088  -0.438899  0.013                               -0.3374051  0.0345    -0.2701535  0.0475  **  -0.3553959  0.016  **  -0.2870354  0.1005
                SqrtCult A                         -3.895146  0.0025     -1.886713  0.0095  -3.183409  0.015                              -4.178492  0.0155
                SqrtCult B                         -1.72162  0.0685  *  -2.769453  0.107  -3.01957  0.0425                                -3.004917  0.036
                SqrtCult C                         -2.110094  0.0715  *  -1.858949  0.053  0.9409213  0.2405                              -4.013058  0.026
                SqrtCult D                         -2.069655  0.0635  *  -1.959701  0.035  -3.581282  0.021                               -7.578446  0.0915      10.19515  0.018  **
                D Profit                                                                                                                                                               -5.442313  0.005  ***
                DStateOwned                                                                                                                                                                                  1.62086  0.156
                SqrtCult A Index  +               0.7843411  0.058  *
                SqrtCult B Index  +                                  0.4681993  0.2005
                SqrtCult C Index  +                                                    -1.703351  0.028
                SqrtCult D Index  -                                                                                                       1.286069  0.0255      -3.305467  0.0135  **
                D profit Index  +                                                                                                                                                      1.786925  0.003  ***
                DStateOwned Index  _                                                                                                                                                                        -0.5551165  0.0925  *
                DListed Index  _                                                                                                                                -9.614103              1.755478             -0.3898892
                Cons            0.2950837          47.13179          39.3324           38.16814                                           89.98665  0.02          51                    51                    51
                No. of Obs        51                51                51                51                                                  51                   0.1515                0.2513                0.1189
                Pseudo R2        0.0995            0.3082            0.2865            0.4319                                              0.3416                0.0094          ***   0.0065          ***   0.0631           *
                Prob> chi2       0.02485       **  0.0706        *   0.10585           0.18035                                             0.1741                11.81                 12.68                  7.19
                Wald chi-square    6                10.94             9.61              7.69                                                7.83
                Description: *** significant at 1% (one tailed) I ** significant at 5% (one tailed) I * Significanty at 10% (one tailed)
                SentimentScore1= The score of organizational legitimacy multiplied by – 1 ; SocmedIndex = Social Media governance index which calculated from
                the average of social media activities, social media strategies,social media skills and regulatory framework indexes;
                OrgSize: Organization size, categorized from 1 to 6. SqrtCultA = The presence of Clan Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared
                rooted. SqrtCultB = The presence of Adhocracy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted, SqrtCultC = The presence
                of Hierarchy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in
                an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in an organizations. The csore is squared
                rooted; DProfit = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents profit-oriented organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DStateOwned = Dummy variable, Code 1
                represents state-owned organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DListed = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents listed organizations. Code 0 otherwise;
                SqrtCultAIndex; DProfitIndex = interaction between DProfit and SocmedIndex.

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