P. 132

Model  3b  tests  the  moderating  effect  of  the  dummy  state-owned  organization  (SO). The  result  failed  to  show  a
                  significant moderating effect of SO on the relationship between SMG and OL (DstateOwnedIndex). The result did not
                  support hypothesis 3b. However, its main effect shows the negative and significant result (average=-0.064, p=0.029;
                  5% LoS; R2=0.3211) that suggests that in a particular index of SMG application, state-owned organizations is associated
                  with a 0.064% lower in sentiment score compared to non-SO, on average.

                  This result is consistent with prior research from Lei, Lu, and Ren (2019) that found that agency problem is worsened
                  in SO than non-SO because citizen ability to monitor SO is weak. This incapability might fuel citizen distrust, and then
                  this negative stigmatization could impair organization legitimacy. Moreover, SO are shown to have lower economic
                  performance than non-SO (Allen, Qian, & Qian, 2005) because they do not behave as expected by economic rationality
                  like non-SO, but instead follows political logic (J. Wang, 2014). Therefore, a citizen might view SO project as inefficient,
                  wasteful, non-profitable, and this eventually might negatively affect SO reputation.

                  Model 3c tests the moderating effect between the dummy variable listed organization (LO). The result failed to provide
                  significant  evidence  of  the  primary  and  interaction  effect  between  LO  and  social  media  index  (DprofitIndex)  on
                  organizational legitimacy. Therefore, hypothesis 3c is not supported.

 Table 7
 Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares’ Results
 Model 1  Model 2a  Model 2b  Model 2c  Model 2d    Model 3a              Model 3b              Model 3c
 Prob  Prob  Prob  Prob        Prob                  Prob                  Prob                  Prob
 Variables  Prod
 Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign  Avg  (1-  Sign
 tailed)  tailed)  tailed)  tailed)  tailed)        tailed)               tailed)               tailed)
 Socmed Index  +  0.04052  0.0105  **  0.013864  0.0925  *  0.028069  0.019  **  0.018439  0.043  **  0.028282  0.015  *  0.0219  0.0545  *  0.0298  0.058  *  0.0378  0.023  **
 OrgSize  -0.2981  0.0015  ***  -0.019519  0.0035  ***  -0.023905  0.0025  ***  -0.019774  0.0035  ***  -0.024886  0.002  ***  -0.0274  0.004  ***  -0.0344  0.001  ***  -0.0275  0.0125  **
 SqrtCult A  -0.000289  0.479  0.005942  0.23  0.00476  0.2135  0.00524  0.251
 SqrtCult B  -0.004452  0.2065  -0.008269  0.0845  *  -0.005773  0.1425  -0.00836  0.123
 SqrtCult C  0.006187  0.128  0.00593  0.1865  0.002783  0.289  0.006277  0.177
 SqrtCult D  -0.006036  0.168  -0.010365  0.107  -0.007508  0.1165  -0.010939  0.058  *
 D Profit                                    0.0009  0.489
 DStateOwned                                                       -0.064  0.029   **
 DListed                                                                                 -0.0198  0.2825
 SqrtCult A Index  +  0.001845  0.0535  *
 SqrtCult B Index  -  0.000844  0.277
 SqrtCult C Index  -  0.001233  0.102
 SqrtCult D Index  +  0.000624  0.352
 D profit Index  +                           0.0056  0.054   *
 DStateOwned   _                                                   -0.0012  0.355
 DListed Index  _                                                                        -0.0017  0.24
 No. of Obs  51  51  51  51  51               51                                          51
 R2  0.2156  0.2276  0.2879  0.2185  0.2857  0.2042                                       0.256
 Description: *** significant at 1% (one tailed) I ** significant at 5% (one tailed) I * Significanty at 10% (one tailed)
 SentimentScore1= The score of organizational legitimacy multiplied by – 1 ; SocmedIndex = Social Media governance index which calculated from
 the average of social media activities, social media strategies,social media skills and regulatory framework indexes;  4.3 Robustness Test
 OrgSize: Organization size, categorized from 1 to 6. SqrtCultA = The presence of Clan Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared
 rooted. SqrtCultB = The presence of Adhocracy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted, SqrtCultC = The presence   Sentiment  Indexes  were  divided  into  two  categories,  low  and  high  index.  All  model  is  recalculated  using  probit
 of Hierarchy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in   regression, as shown in Appendix A. The significant results of model 1, 2a, and 3a are still supported, even though the
 an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in an organizations. The csore is squared
 rooted; DProfit = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents profit-oriented organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DStateOwned = Dummy variable, Code 1   interaction variable shows the opposite signs. However, this is not an issue because Ai and Norton (2003) assured that
 represents state-owned organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DListed = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents listed organizations. Code 0 otherwise;   probit regression’s interaction effect could not be evaluated simply by looking at the sign. It can have different signs
 SqrtCultAIndex; DProfitIndex = interaction between DProfit and SocmedIndex.
                  for different observations.

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