P. 131

the organization. Therefore, hypotheses 2a is backed by prior research. The higher presence of clan culture characteristic
               on an organization strengthens the association between SMG and organizational legitimacy. Other cultures, Hierarchy,
               Adhocracy, and Market Culture, did not significantly impact the association. Therefore, hypothesis 2b, 2c, and 2d are not
               supported. Adhocracy Culture (SqrtCultB) show a weak significant negative main effect on organizational legitimacy
               (average=-008269, p=0.0845; 10% LoS). However, this result is not supported by the robustness test.

               Model 3a examines the moderating effect of dummy profit-oriented organizations (PO). Organizational cultures in
               model 2 were omitted in this model. The result shows significant and positive effect of the interaction between profit-
               oriented and social media index (DprofitIndex) on organizational legitimacy (average = 0.006, p = 0.054; 10% LoS; R2
               = 0.2042). The result support hypothesis 3a. The positive effect of SMG on OL is increased if the organization is profit-

               The result is supported by prior research that PO have better social media applications because they are essential
               for their business (Tuten & Solomon, 2017). Also, because PO use social media for marketing purposes and image
               development, they become more innovative in utilizing social media (Bretschneider & Parker, 2016; Mergel, 2012). In
               contrast, non-PO burdened by bureaucratic nature makes it challenging to implement SMG (Knox, 2016). Consequently,
               POs’ ability to utilize social media’s good practice will likely be better than non-PO.

                                                               Table 7
                                               Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares’ Results
                                        Model 1          Model 2a          Model 2b           Model 2c                                              Model 2d               Model 3a              Model 3b              Model 3c
                                          Prob              Prob              Prob               Prob                                                 Prob                  Prob                  Prob                  Prob
                     Variables  Prod
                                    Avg   (1-  Sign  Avg    (1-  Sign   Avg    (1-  Sign  Avg     (1-  Sign                                    Avg    (1-    Sign    Avg    (1-    Sign    Avg    (1-    Sign    Avg     (1-   Sign
                                         tailed)           tailed)            tailed)            tailed)                                             tailed)               tailed)               tailed)                tailed)
                   Socmed Index  +  0.04052  0.0105  **  0.013864  0.0925  *  0.028069  0.019  **  0.018439  0.043  **                       0.028282  0.015  *     0.0219  0.0545  *     0.0298  0.058   *     0.0378  0.023   **
                   OrgSize         -0.2981  0.0015  ***  -0.019519  0.0035  ***  -0.023905  0.0025  ***  -0.019774  0.0035  ***              -0.024886  0.002  ***  -0.0274  0.004  ***   -0.0344  0.001  ***   -0.0275  0.0125  **
                   SqrtCult A                       -0.000289  0.479  0.005942  0.23     0.00476  0.2135                                      0.00524  0.251
                   SqrtCult B                       -0.004452  0.2065  -0.008269  0.0845  *  -0.005773  0.1425                               -0.00836  0.123
                   SqrtCult C                       0.006187  0.128    0.00593  0.1865   0.002783  0.289                                     0.006277  0.177
                   SqrtCult D                       -0.006036  0.168  -0.010365  0.107   -0.007508  0.1165                                   -0.010939  0.058  *
                   D Profit                                                                                                                                         0.0009  0.489
                   DStateOwned                                                                                                                                                            -0.064  0.029   **
                   DListed                                                                                                                                                                                      -0.0198  0.2825
                   SqrtCult A Index  +              0.001845  0.0535  *
                   SqrtCult B Index  -                                0.000844  0.277
                   SqrtCult C Index  -                                                   0.001233  0.102
                   SqrtCult D Index  +                                                                                                       0.000624  0.352
                   D profit Index  +                                                                                                                                0.0056  0.054   *
                   DStateOwned   _                                                                                                                                                        -0.0012  0.355
                   DListed Index  _                                                                                                                                                                             -0.0017  0.24
                   No. of Obs       51                51                51                 51                                                  51                    51                                          51
                   R2              0.2156            0.2276            0.2879             0.2185                                              0.2857                0.2042                                       0.256
                   Description: *** significant at 1% (one tailed) I ** significant at 5% (one tailed) I * Significanty at 10% (one tailed)
                   SentimentScore1= The score of organizational legitimacy multiplied by – 1 ; SocmedIndex = Social Media governance index which calculated from
                   the average of social media activities, social media strategies,social media skills and regulatory framework indexes;
                   OrgSize: Organization size, categorized from 1 to 6. SqrtCultA = The presence of Clan Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared
                   rooted. SqrtCultB = The presence of Adhocracy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted, SqrtCultC = The presence
                   of Hierarchy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in
                   an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in an organizations. The csore is squared
                   rooted; DProfit = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents profit-oriented organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DStateOwned = Dummy variable, Code 1
                   represents state-owned organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DListed = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents listed organizations. Code 0 otherwise;
                   SqrtCultAIndex; DProfitIndex = interaction between DProfit and SocmedIndex.

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