P. 126

Table 3  Correlation Matrix for Each Cultural Type
                                                 Item A: Clan Culture (alpha= 0.5788)
                        Question            1                 2                3                 4
                          1                 1
                          2                0.056              1
                          3               0.3256            0.3359             1
                          4               0.1782            0.2502            0.432              1
                                               Item B: Adhocracy Culture (alpha= 0.7362)
                        Culture             1                 2                3                 4
                          1                 1
                          2                0.056              1
                          3               -0.3256          -0.3359             1
                          4               -0.1782          -0.2502           -0.432              1
                                               Item C: Hierarchical Culture (alpha= 0.7119)
                        Culture             1                 2                3                 4
                          1                 1
                          2               -0.056              1
                          3               -0.3256          -0.3359             1
                          4               -0.1782          -0.2502           -0.432              1
                                                Item D: Market Culture (alpha= 0.5962)
                        Culture             1                 2                3                 4
                          1                 1
                          2                0.056              1                1
                          3               0.3256            0.3359             1
                          4               0.1782            0.2502            0.432              1

                  3.3.4 Social Media Index
                  The social media index is the average index of social media activities index, social media strategies index, social media
                  skills index, and regulatory framework index. The indexing process is illustrated in Appendix B.

                  3.4   Moderator Variables
                  3.4.1 Organizational Cultures
                  Respondents were asked to allocate 100 points to each culture for every question. Then, the score allocated for each
                  culture were averaged. If more than one respondent represents an organization, the score is averaged again from
                  each respondent representing the same organization. After that, organizational culture is squared-rooted to avoid
                  multicollinearity because the total number is precisely 100 for all respondents.

                  3.4.2 Organizational Types
                  Researchers use three dummies variables to differentiate organization types. Profit-oriented, state-owned, and listed
                  organizations are coded one and 0 otherwise. Three tests are conducted for each organizational type to examine the
                  influence of specific organizational types on the association between the SMG and organizational legitimacy.

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