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The relationship between hypotheses are conceptualized in Fig.2
Organizational Culture
Clan Culture Adhocracy Culture Hierarchy Culture Market Culture
H2a+ H2b- H2c- H2d+
Social Media Organizational
Governance Legitimacy
H3a+ H3b- H3c-
Profit Orientation State Ownership Public Ownership Control
Organizational Culture
Figure 2
Conceptual Network
3.1 Sample and procedures
This quantitative research is conducted using primary sources collected from surveys and twitter to explore SMG’s
effect on organizational legitimacy. The former is to capture the level of SMG, organizational cultures, and types; the
latter is to measure organizational legitimacy. Twitter data are collected using TwitterScrapper from 1 January 2019 to
31 May 2020. This period is exceeded a year to increase data relevance and coverage. The population of this study is
all organizations in Indonesia. However, the surveys were completed by the employee(s) to represent an organization
because the unit of analysis in this study is organizations (Linke & Zerfass, 2013).
The survey was sent to respondents by two approaches. The first approach was conducted by distributing surveys to
selected organizations that later chose their respondents. This purposive sampling method was used with the following
criteria. First, the organization should have a social media presence on Twitter from January 2019 to May 2020 because
twitter data was collected during the time. Second, every type of organization must be represented by a minimum of
10 organizations. Third, big organizations are preferred for listed and state-owned organizations. Organizational size is
measured by the number of employees with the data from Capital IQ database.
The second approach was conducted to increase the number of samples from nonlisted organizations. Surveys were
distributed directly to respondents using a convenience sampling method. Consequently, this study’s findings cannot
be generalized to the population (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Respondents are postgraduate students from The University
of Indonesia who also employees in organizations. Respondents must be able to use social media and understand its
usage of the whole organization.
3.2 Dependent Variables
According to Etter et al. (2019), citizen judgment in social media has better comparability for measuring organizational
legitimacy in all types of organizations. Another advantage of using social media is that every ordinary citizen can share
their opinions; thus, social media judgments are heterogeneous (Whelan, Moon, & Grant, 2013). Twitter is preferred
to measure citizen judgment because it is widely used by academics and has a generous policy regarding data access
(Etter et al., 2019). Another reason is that Twitter limits the number of characters in a tweet to 280 characters; this
encourages them to express their opinions concisely. TwitterScrapper was used in this research because it is free, and
it has less restriction regarding the period and number of tweets collected for every request. The general procedures
of this process are illustrated in Figure 3.
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(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)