P. 129
Density 1
-1 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
Sentiment Score (*-1)
Figure 5
Histogram of Sentiment Score
Table 6 Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations (N=51)
Sentiment Socmed DState DListed SqrtCult A SqrtCult B SqrtCult C SqrtCult D D profit DStateOwned DListed
Variables Mean Std Dev. Score 1 Index OrgSize SqrtCult A SqrtCult B SqrtCult C SqrtCult D DProfit Owned DStateOwned Index Index Index Index Index Index Index
Sentiment Score 1 -0.3415 0.2042 1
Socmed Index 3.1358 0.8432 0.0678 1
OrgSize 2.5098 1.4611 -0.3537* 0.3319* 1
SqrtCult A 4.9863 1.4239 0.0308 0.0844 -0.0258 1
SqrtCult B 3.9041 1.5528 -0.1179 0.2157 0.003 0.1771 1
SqrtCult C 5.7173 1.5347 0.0779 0.0343 0.066 -0.4562* -0.6390* 1
SqrtCult D 4.2989 1.4517 -0.1704 -0.1327 0.198 -0.4042* 0.1093 -0.2285 1
D Profit 0.7451 0.4401 0.1529 -0.1712 -0.1713 -0.0214 0.2142 -0.3670* 0.3335* 1
DStateOwned 0.4706 0.5041 -0.4031* 0.1441 0.2174 -0.0735 -0.1336 0.2790* -0.1149 -0.5302* 1
DListed 0.2745 0.4507 -0.1463 0.0358 0.4924* -0.1419 0.1225 -0.1299 0.2674 0.3598* -0.1398 1
SqrtCult A Index 15.7342 6.0579 0.023 0.8198* 0.3108* 0.5185* 0.2831* -0.2619 -0.2386 -0.1345 0.048 -0.0149 1
SqrtCult B Index 12.5494 5.7838 0.0137 0.7155* 0.2254 0.137 0.7808* -0.4529* 0.0511 0.1422 -0.868 0.1776 0.6904* 1
SqrtCult C Index 18.1195 6.9174 0.0208 0.8139* 0.3259* -0.1652 -0.1586 0.5391* -0.2653 -0.4065* 0.3389* -0.0567 0.5085* 0.3012* 1
SqrtCult D Index 13.2677 5.341 -0.0706 0.6290* 0.5060* -0.1021 0.3271* -0.273 0.5909* 0.1131 0.0347 0.2776* 0.4962* 0.6378* 0.3512* 1
D profit Index 2.2757 1.5706 -0.2009 0.4807* 0.0338 0.0647 0.3704 -0.3206* 0.1879 0.7613* -0.3929* 0.3311* 0.4067* 0.5967* 0.1572 0.4955* 1
DStateOwned Index 1.533 1.6893 -0.3827* 0.3075* 0.2759 -0.1149 -0.0867 0.2872* -0.1133 -0.5531 0.9369* -0.1358 0.1764 0.0547 0.4593* 0.1557 -0.3374* 1
DListed Index 0.88225 1.5358 -0.1399 0.1398 0.5056* -0.1105 0.1535 -0.1559 0.2773* 0.3537 -0.1358 0.9832* 0.0793 0.2507 0.0273 0.3606* 0.3963* -0.124 1
Description: *** significant at 1% (one tailed) I ** significant at 5% (one tailed) I * Significanty at 10% (one tailed)
SentimentScore1= The score of organizational legitimacy multiplied by – 1 ; SocmedIndex = Social Media governance index which calculated from
the average of social media activities, social media strategies,social media skills and regulatory framework indexes;
OrgSize: Organization size, categorized from 1 to 6. SqrtCultA = The presence of Clan Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared
rooted. SqrtCultB = The presence of Adhocracy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted, SqrtCultC = The presence of
Hierarchy Culture characteristic in an organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in an
organizations. The score is squared rooted; SqrtCultD = The presence of Market Culture characteristic in an organizations. The csore is squared rooted;
DProfit = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents profit-oriented organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DStateOwned = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents
state-owned organizations. Code 0 otherwise; DListed = Dummy variable, Code 1 represents listed organizations. Code 0 otherwise; SqrtCultAIndex;
DProfitIndex = interaction between DProfit and SocmedIndex.
128 International Conference on Sustainability
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)