P. 135
Appendix B Social Media Governance’s measurement
Construct Items Definition Scale Index
Measuring Social Media Index
Social media Isma The sum of social media applications used by the If more than one respondent represented
activities respondent The score ranges from 0 the organization, the scores were averaged.
to 12
Then, the average score was scaled to 0-5
Social media Isms 1 The organization have spesific strategies for
strategies initiating and using social media in its business
If more than one respondent represented
Isms 2 The organization have recommendations 0 (it does not exist) - 5 (fully the organization, the median scores among
regarding social media use implemented) respondents were averaged
Isms 3 The organization disseminate strategies and/or
recommendation regarding social media use
Social media skills Ismk 1 The respondent knows the social media
Ismk 2 The respondent knows social web etiquette
Ismk 3 The respondent has skills in initiating web-based
Ismk 4 The respondent knows the technical
requirements for setting up social media and
traditional media (print, television, radio)
Ismk 5 The respondent knows the legal framework The score was averaged per respondent.
If more than one repondent represented
Ismk 6 The respondent has information about the 0 (no experience) to 5 an organization, the average scores per
interplay between social media and traditional (professional) respondent were averaged again to find the
media (print, television, radio) organization’s score
Ismk 7 The respondent has experience in the
management of web communities
Ismk 8 The respondent knows the prevalent means of
Ismk 9 The respondent has experience in the
development of social media strategies
Ismk 10 The respondent has experience in the evaluation
of social media activities
Regulatory Ismo 1 The organization has regulation regarding
frameworks participative corporate culture regarding social
Ismo 2 The organization has has the commitment of top
management regarding social media use
Ismo 3 The organization has human resources regarding
social media use
Ismo 4 The organization has the person in charge of
social media in each department
Ismo 5 The organization has monitoring tools for social
media use
The score range from 0 to 24. If more
Ismo 6 The organization has social media workshops, 2= already existed, 1= was than one respondent represented an
seminars or training regarding social media planned for the coming organization, their scores were averaged
years or 0= did not exist
Ismo 7 The organization has social media guidelines at all to find the organization’s score. Then the
regarding social media use organization’s score is scaled to 0-5
Ismo 8 The organization has strategy papers regarding
social media use
Ismo 9 The organization has key performance indicators
for measuring success in social media
Ismo 10 The organization has a spesific budget for social
media use
Ismo 11 The organization has software and gardware for
social media activities
Ismo 12 The organization has and a dedicated social
media department
Source: Linke and Zerfass (2013)
134 International Conference on Sustainability
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)