P. 136
Organizational Culture’s measurement
Construct Items Definition Scale
Measuring Organizational Culture
Organizational CULT1a This organization is a very personal space. It is like an extended family. People see to share a lot 0-100
characteristics of themselves
CULT1b This organization is a very dynamic and entrepreneurial place. People are willing to stick their 0-100
necks out and take risks
CULT1c This organization is a very formalized and structured place. Bureaucratic procedures generally
govern what people do 0-100
CULT1d This organization is a very production-oriented. Its significant concern is getting the job done 0-100
without personal involvement
Organizational CULT2a The head of organization is generally considered to be a mentor, a sage or a father or mother
leader figure 0-100
CULT2b The head of organization is generally considered to be an entrepreneur, an innovator or a risk-
taker 0-100
CULT2c The head of organization is generally considered to be a coordinator, an organizer or an
administrator 0-100
CULT2d The head of organization is generally considered to be a producer, a technician or a hard driver
Organizational CULT3a The glue that holds the organization together is loyalty and tradition. Commitment to this school
”glue” runs high 0-100
CULT3b The glue that holds the organization together is a commitment to innovation and development.
there is an emphasis on being first 0-100
CULT3c The glue that holds the organization together is formal rules and policies. Mainttaining a smooth-
running institution is essential here 0-100
CULT3d The glue that holds the organization together is the emphasis on tasks and goal accomplishment.
Production orientation is commonly shared 0-100
Organizational CULT4a The organization emphasizes human resources. High cohesion and morale in the scholl are
emphases essential 0-100
CULT4b The organization emphasizes growth and acquiring new resources. Readiness to meet new
challenges is essential 0-100
CULT4c The organization emphasizes permanence and stability. efficient, smooth operations are essential
CULT4d The organization emphasizes competitive actions and achievement. Measurable goals are
essential 0-100
Source: Zammuto and Krakower (1991)
International Conference on Sustainability 135
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)