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In Indonesia, the ministry of health has published a health protocol for educational institutions such as universities and
schools as a form of prevention so that the rate of COVID-19 transmission can be reduced (Kemenkes RI, 2020). So that
the university will do activities properly and still comply with the health protocols issued by the government.
This is qualitative research with a case study approach that is used to look closely at a certain event and explicitly
discussed theory related to those events (Cooper & Morgan, 2008). The research is conducted to analyze changes in
stakeholder engagement in the university’s primary stakeholders caused by changes in activities due to COVID-19.
The research was conducted at one of Indonesia’s state universities. This university is one of Sumatra’s largest universities
and established for over 50 years ago. This university has been conducted several types of research beneficial for society.
The primary stakeholder categories in this study are lecturers, students, and educational staff. The reason for choosing
primary stakeholders is because they are directly engaged with educational activities at the university. Lecturers are
the parties involved in teaching and research, students are the parties who gain knowledge from the teaching process,
and educational staff are the parties who support activities at the university.
The technique used in data collection is interviews with primary stakeholders. The selection of respondents was based
on the lecturers’ category consisted of various positions and students from various grades. Purposive sampling is used
to select respondents. The respondents are chosen from several faculties. Those are The faculty of animal science, The
Faculty of Nursing, and The Faculty of Public Health, categorized into lecturers, students, and educational staff.
Before conducting the interview, respondents fill a questionnaire using a Likert scale from 1 (unimportant/very little
impact) to 5 (very important/very high impact). The questions consist of two categories. The question in the first category
is to find out the interests and expectations of stakeholders related to learning methods, social aspects, and economic
aspects, while the question in the second category is to find out the interests and expectations of stakeholders related
to environmental and health aspects.
The researcher carried on a semi-structured and in-depth interview with open-ended questions. Qualitative data
analysis usually occurred during data collection. Data collection is considered sufficient when data analysis produces
the same score. Thus, there won’t be any other analysis results (Dicicco-bloom & Crabtree, 2006). This researcher
saturated the data to ensure that data saturation is achieved. Data saturation is the collection of data such that no new
conceptual category aspects are found in the data (Francis, Johnston, & Robertson, 2010).
Descriptive analysis is used in analyzing data. Descriptive analysis according to Miles & Huberman (1994) consisted of
data collection, data redaction, various condition analyses, and situation from various data collected from interview
results and conclusion. Stakeholder engagement analysis uses The Influence and Interest Grid to find out the influence
of policies/programs implemented by the university in meeting the interests of their stakeholders.
4.1. The Influence and Interest Grid
The influence and interest grid are used to determine the relationship between stakeholder interests and the influence
of programs/policies undertaken by the university for stakeholders. The goal is that universities can make the right
decisions based on stakeholder expectations.
206 International Conference on Sustainability
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)