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4.2.1 Teaching Methods
Changes to learning methods caused changes to stakeholder expectations. Over 50% of respondents feel significant
differences in online learning methods, and 40% of respondents feel they are greatly hindered by the changes in this
For Lecturers, changes in online learning related to the impact of COVID-19 are previously unplanned before. They have
little time to switch to the digital environment. This raises a dilemma for lecturers about how to engage with students in
online classes while maintaining the same level of interaction as face-to-face contact. Universities also need to innovate
in learning methods because not all faculties can conduct online learning, especially for faculties that have to use
laboratories or practice directly.
For Students, online classes require them to possess supporting tools such as laptop/mobile phones and a stable
internet network. They also face difficulty in obtaining access to libraries and laboratories during COVID-19. Final year
students who are required to perform studies in the field also delays. They hope that the campus can provide the tools
required to study, provide online access to libraries such as e-books and journals, and alternatives to research/thesis
during COVID-19.
For Educational Staff, the difficulties are related to university administration, online class preparation, holding of
meetings, curriculum preparation, and lecturer assessments as they all must be prepared online. They hope that the
development of a system related to activities at the university can be executed immediately.
4.2.2 Social and Economic Aspects
For social and economic aspects, 55% of respondents considered that the policy of lowering tuition fees during the
COVID-19 pandemic is very important, and 85% of respondents considered that internet cost incentives for lecturers,
students, and educational staff are very important.
For students, they expect support from universities in the form of providing internet access and facilities, such as
internet costs aid and laptops. University aid regarding internet costs has been given to all students this September.
Their parents also expected a decrease in tuition fees due to the economic impact of COVID-19 on their jobs. Some
students have complained that the tuition fee waivers are only aimed at certain students, even though the impact of
COVID-19 is felt by everyone.
Lecturers face difficulties related to research, as several faculties reduce research funds due to budget reallocations
to fight COVID-19, strict rules for laboratory usage, and difficulties related to social services such as public education
must be online, this become difficult to know whether these activities have been well understood by the society or not.
Lecturers hope that the reduction in research funding will not affect current research and the implementation of health
protocols for laboratory usage during COVID-19.
Educational staff expect the development of an integrated system related to administrative activities in the university.
Furthermore, events such as seminars and conferences are held online. Several webinars are held by the university
during this situation.
4.2.3 Environmental and Health Aspects
For environmental and health aspects, 95% of respondents state that proper implementation of health protocols is very
important. They hope that rooms are regularly sterilized and that rapid/swab tests are conducted on anyone who is still
doing activities on campus. Currently, the university provides free swab tests for the public, but respondents hope that
the program is extended to all parties on campus. Stakeholders also hope to increase in quality of sanitation and water
around campus so that a good environmental and health protocol implementation can be conducted well. They also
hope that there will be supervision and punishment for rule violators in health protocol.
208 International Conference on Sustainability
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)