P. 205

32          Analysis of Changes in Stakeholder
                            Engagement Due to the COVID-19

                            Pandemic on Primary Stakeholders in

                            Higher Education

                            Ninda Ulva Novirman, Chaerul D. Djakman


               Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has major impact on the world, including in higher education. Since March, all
               universities in Indonesia have conducted online learning due to the impact of this pandemic. This is a way of preventing
               the  level  of  COVID-19  transmission  at  universities.  During  this  pandemic,  universities  have  to  implement  health
               protocols and start adapting to COVID-19. The existence of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 can be a threat to campus
               sustainability. Universities must be able to take different actions and acquire new learning, teaching, and engagement
               practices around social distancing.

               This condition raises several problems. Various complaints emerged, especially from primary stakeholders such as
               lecturers, students, and educational staff. Changes in implementing learning due to COVID-19 have generated new
               expectations from primary stakeholders in the university. Because of these changes, universities must change their
               stakeholder engagement to continue implementing a sustainable campus. The purpose of this study is to analyze
               changes in primary stakeholder engagement due to the COVID-19 in universities so they can evaluate and amend
               stakeholder engagement based on new expectations of their stakeholders.

               COVID-19, expectation, stakeholder engagement, campus sustainability.

               1.  INTRODUCTION

               The entire world is focusing on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) which is plaguing all countries. COVID-19 was first
               reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019 and has had a major impact on the world. Various events and activities
               are to be stopped due to the rapid spread of the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) issued health protocol
               guidelines so that the spread and the number of positive infections can be reduced (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2020).

               Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has a major impact on the world, including in university. As an institution with
               an important role in society, universities must provide education, research, and social service (Republik Indonesia,
               2012). Since March, all universities in Indonesia have conducted online learning due to the impact of this pandemic.
               This is a way of preventing COVID-19 transmission at universities. During this pandemic, universities must implement
               health protocols and start adapting to COVID-19. The existence of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 can be a threat to
               campus sustainability (Ratten, 2020). This led to changes in activities at the university and create new expectations for

               Stakeholders play an important role in the organization (Jamali, 2008). They are the people, groups, or organizations
               that could affect or be affected by the activities at the university. Stakeholders have various expectations to establish
               relationships  with  universities.  To  meet  these  expectations,  the  university  must  establish  stakeholder  engagement.
               Stakeholder engagement is a process to analyze stakeholder expectations and impact on the project and to develop
               management strategies to engage stakeholders in decision making and execution (Project Management Institute, 2013).

               The impact of COVID-19 not only alters the activities but also the expectations of primary stakeholders. Because of
               these  changes,  universities  must  modify  their  stakeholder  engagement  to  continue  implementing  a  sustainable
               campus. These changes affect the social, economic, environmental, and health aspects of both the university and the

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