P. 202

31          Sustainability Accounting as a Future
                               Corporate Sustainability Strategy

                               Ruth Agustini Sirait, Gabrielle Angela Christie


                  Today, the environmental crisis and social demands have initiated companies to implement Sustainability Accounting
                  as a strategy for their business sustainability. One indicator of this application is the availability of periodic company
                  Sustainability Reports that can be accessed by the public. Even though the Sustainability Report preparation is still
                  voluntary, the government will require the publication of Sustainability Report for Financial Service Institutions, Issuers,
                  and Public Companies through POJK NUMBER 51/2017.

                  Apart from the benefits of implementing Sustainability Accounting, the company’s awareness in implementing this
                  initiative is still minimal. By the end of 2016, only 9% of Financial Services Institutions and Issuers listed on the Indonesia
                  Stock Exchange (IDX) have taken steps in issuing Sustainability Reporting. This number shows a lack of enthusiasm for
                  companies in Indonesia to be accountable for implementing their sustainability strategies. Supposedly, companies
                  that have been able to list their shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange have the capable capacity to implement
                  Sustainable Reporting.

                  Sooner  or  later,  the  concept  of  Sustainable  Development  will  disrupt  the  way  humans  do  things  and  pay  more
                  attention to their impact on the environment. Companies should see this as an opportunity to be at the forefront of
                  implementing sustainability initiatives. Although this step requires large expenses and several complex phases in its
                  implementation, the company is actually developing for its future success. However, it must be admitted that there are
                  still loopholes that may become obstacles for business actors in applying Sustainability Reporting. Therefore, through
                  this paper the authors hope to provide solutions to optimize the function of the Sustainability Report as a form of
                  sustainability strategy.


                  In this study, the data was carried out using a literature study approach through secondary data. Secondary data
                  obtained from university articles, journals, company financial reports, government report data, and other readings
                  from  national  and  international  media. The  authors  use  qualitative  and  quantitative  descriptive  analysis  methods
                  and then observed and placed based on a particular relevant focus. For quantitative data processing, the authors
                  use the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) calculation method with the appropriate variables. Furthermore, the
                  information that has been generated will be interpreted.

                  The method of drawing conclusions used in this study is inductively, namely determining general conclusions based
                  on the results of secondary data analysis that have been obtained previously. Conclusions are drawn with the aim of
                  proving that the implementation of Sustainability Accounting is an appropriate sustainability strategy for companies
                  in Indonesia and the optimization of the use of Sustainability Report.


                  This paper will prove a positive correlation between the implementation of sustainability accounting and company
                  valuations  in  investor’s  eyes.  Many  parties  claim  that  company  expenses  related  to  Sustainability  Accounting  will
                  benefit well in the future. However, the picture of the benefits itself remains unclear. This condition often prevents
                  companies from implementing a sustainability strategy due to the many uncertainties about the promised benefits.
                  Therefore, the author tries to comprehensively analyze the real benefits of Sustainability Accounting qualitatively and

                                                                                 International Conference on Sustainability  201
                                                                                 (5  Sustainability Practitioner Conference)
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