P. 206

The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  analyze  changes  in  stakeholder  engagement  from  primary  stakeholders,  such  as
                  lecturers, students, and educational staff, that are directly related to educational activities, to see the important issues
                  concerning  the  learning  process,  social,  economy,  environment,  and  health  issues  in  universities,  and  to  provide
                  additional information related to other important issues according to stakeholders due to the impact of COVID-19.

                  The contribution of this research is to assist the university in analyzing changes to stakeholder engagement due to the
                  impact of COVID-19 so that universities can develop effective management strategies based on the expectations of

                  2.  LITERATURE REVIEW

                  2.1  Stakeholders in higher education
                  Stakeholder theory is one of the most used approaches in research regarding sustainability. Adams, Martin, & Boom
                  (2018) expressed that stakeholders and campus culture affect the successful implementation of campus sustainability
                  in higher education. Organization as an entity in the society will be closely related to stakeholders that are affected
                  directly and indirectly by the organization’s activities. Therefore, the role of stakeholders is important to an organization’s
                  considerations for running activities (Jamali, 2008).

                  Stakeholders in higher education consist of primary and secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are parties
                  directly involved in the organization. In universities, primary stakeholders include lecturers, students, and educational
                  staff  who  are  directly  involved  with  educational  activities  (Marshall  &  Marshall,  2018).  Ferrero-Ferrero,  Fernández-
                  Izquierdo, Muñoz-Torres, & Bellés-Colomer (2018) stated that primary stakeholders in universities assist in implementing
                  sustainability in higher education.

                  The main purpose of an organization is to create value-added for stakeholders and to fulfill their expectations because
                  stakeholders should be able to be involved in decision making (Strand & Freeman, 2015). This can be achieved by
                  building  good  communication  to  understand  the  needs  and  expectations  of  stakeholders,  to  understand  current
                  issues, and to manage the conflict of interests that can occur (Project Management Institute, 2013). Therefore, the
                  sustainability of an organization involves not only internal parties but also affected by the role of stakeholders.

                  2.2  Stakeholders engagement in higher education
                  Stakeholder engagement is a process used by organizations by involving stakeholders to achieve organizational goals
                  (AccountAbility,  2015).  Stakeholder  engagement  can  help  universities  build  sustainability  strategies  following  the
                  universities’ capabilities based on the expectations of stakeholders. Stakeholder expectations are also influenced by
                  economic, social, and environmental aspects.

                  Stakeholder engagement is successful if it meets the following criteria: (1) Stakeholder involvement can add value
                  for both the organization and the stakeholders, (2) Focus on important issues that occur within the organization or
                  stakeholders, and (3) Flexible and responsive to issues that occur (AccountAbility, 2015). Also, communication methods
                  commonly used to form stakeholder engagement are conducting surveys and panel discussions (Ferrero-Ferrero et al.,

                  2.3  New stakeholder engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic
                  The COVID-19 pandemic has created new expectations for stakeholders, especially regarding policies on implementing
                  education and health issues. The education sector will face difficulties during this pandemic, the closure of educational
                  institutions is intended to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This widens the gap in learning opportunities and
                  hinders the achievement of the fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the achievement of quality education.

                  According to UNESCO (2020) over 90% of the global student population is affected by COVID-19 related school closures,
                  about 40% of low- and lower-middle-income countries have not taken effective action to support students who are at
                  risk of dropping out of school during COVID-19 due to decreased family income, and only 12% of households in the
                  least developed countries have internet access at home. The COVID-19 pandemic has added new layers of exclusion
                  related to the accessibility of distance learning opportunities. The impact of COVID-19 creates new expectations for
                  stakeholders, for example, a reduction in tuition fees or campus incentives related to internet fees.

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