P. 212

33          Association among Financial
                               Performance, Environmental Cost, and

                               Environmental Disclosure of Mining and

                               Energy Companies in Indonesia

                               Rima Kusuma Rini, Desi Adhariani



                  This study aims to examine the impact of financial performance to environmental cost and environmental disclosure
                  of mining and energy companies in Indonesia. According to prior study, environmental disclosure has positive impact
                  to financial performance that indicates corporate reporting regarding environmental issues resulted in heightened
                  financial  performance  (Al-Tuwaijri,  Christensen,  &  Hughes  Ii,  2004;  Lu  &  Taylor,  2018),  on  the  contrary  this  study
                  examines whether financial performance impacted the environmental cost and voluntary environmental disclosure
                  since the reason of firm with high profit are able to allocate their spending to many aspects and more information to
                  disclose (Qiu, Shaukat, & Tharyan, 2016).


                  To estimate the association among financial performance, environmental cost and environmental disclosure, this study
                  employs simultaneous equations to test the hypothesis. The samples are mining and energy companies that listed on
                  the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Content analysis approach is adopted to collect data from sustainability reports and
                  annual reports for period of three years from 2017-2019.


                  This study expected to explain how financial performance impact to allocation of environmental cost and environmental
                  disclosure. Financial performance indicates the profitability that used as a basis to engage in environmental activities.


                  This  study  has  significant  implication  for  wider  stakeholder  that  include  investors,  managers  and  policy  makers.
                  Stakeholder will understand how financial performance affected allocation of environmental cost and environmental


                  Few  studies  explore  and  identification  environmental  cost  in  the  relationship  between  financial  performance  and
                  environmental disclosure.  Unlike previous literature that analyse the impact of environmental disclosure to financial
                  performance, this study contributes to literature that addressed how financial performance impacted environmental
                  cost and environmental disclosure.

                  financial performance, environmental performance, environmental disclosure.

                  JEL Classification
                  F65, M14, Q56

                                                                                 International Conference on Sustainability  211
                                                                                 (5  Sustainability Practitioner Conference)
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