P. 84

No.          Principles                    Application                     Gap
                       Make decisions objectively and free  Investment Management has conducted the   Corresponding
                       from any pressure from any party  performance analysis and provided suggestions or
                                                recommendations to the Strategic Committee for
                                                consideration to produce objective decisions
                    5.  Equality and Fairness   Opportunities to provide input and opinions   Corresponding
                                                are conveyed by Participants through the media
                                                provided, namely telephone, letters, semester
                                                magazine media, or through representatives of
                                                regional pension fund participants.

                  Based  on  the  analysis  in Table  1,  we  find  that  AKM  Pension  Fund  has  met  three  principles,  namely  responsibility,
                  independence, and fairness. Article 3 POJK Number 16 / POJK. 05/2016 explains that pension funds in implementing their
                  governance guidelines are guided by the principles of good Pension Fund governance, which include independence,
                  transparency, accountability, responsibility, and fairness. In fulfilling the principle of responsibility, in particular, the
                  AKM Pension Fund has prepared a previously Portfolio Placement Allocation Plan through an analysis note prepared
                  by the Investment Management Division. The process of allocating assets to the AKM Pension Fund is supervised by
                  the Strategic Committee, whose function is to provide recommendations to the Management regarding proposals for
                  placement or disposal of investment instruments from the Investment Management to obtain the best results. Every
                  new investment placement by the AKM Pension Fund has been reviewed by the Investment Management Division by
                  assessing the feasibility of the asset instrument to be invested, namely, the return given and adjusted to the Pension
                  Fund liability profile. AKM Pension Fund has also prepared investment guidelines that regulate the implementation of
                  the placement of an asset following the criteria that must be met in each asset instrument.

                  However, in applying the principles of transparency and accountability, the AKM Pension Fund still does not comply
                  with OJK regulations. In applying the principle of transparency, the AKM Pension Fund has not disclosed its investment
                  management  information  in  a  timely  and  adequate  manner  through  its  website  to  Participants.  In  applying  the
                  principle of accountability, AKM Pension Fund does not yet have employees to carry out its risk management unit
                  function and the Internal Audit Unit Head considering that pension funds managed of more than IDR 500 billion. In
                  the application of accountability, the Management and supervisory board performance appraisal is carried out by the
                  Founders and the employees are carried out by the Management. Although the performance appraisal of employees
                  has been running, the provision of reward and punishment has not been documented so far.

                  In implementing code of ethics, we find that the AKM Pension Fund has the code of ethics as a code of conduct in
                  pension  fund  governance.  Article  2  POJK  Number  16  /  POJK.  05/2016  explains  that  pension  funds  must  apply
                  governance  guidelines,  including  a  code  of  conduct  following  generally  accepted  practices.  Following  the  POJK
                  regulations, pension funds must apply ethics in managing pension funds.

                  Furthermore, to comply with the rules of conduct in the conflict of interest component, the AKM Pension Fund has
                  a code of conduct guidelines which stipulate that the management, supervisory board, and employees must not
                  have interests outside the interests of the Pension Fund, either directly or indirectly in carrying out their duties and
                  obligations because affect the objectivity of decision making. This is supported by the process of making investment
                  placement decisions that are carried out through an analysis process documented by the Investment Management
                  Division first which is then reviewed by the Strategic Committee.

                  This is following the stewardship theory which states that the executive manager is not an ambitious individual but
                  wants to do a good job, to be a good steward for the company. In this case, the management of the AKM Pension Fund
                  behaves in the common interest and avoids conflicts of interest with other parties to achieve the goals or objectives of
                  the pension fund.

                  4.2   AKM Pension Fund Allocation
                  Implementation of asset allocation AKM pension fund has a process through stages such as planning, implementation,
                  and monitoring and evaluation. Based on the analysis of the Revenue and Expenditure Budget Work Plan (RKAPB)
                  document, OJK Regulation Number 29 / POJK. 05/2018 and POJK Number 36 / POJK. 06/2016 obtained the following

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