P. 86

After  the  AKM  Pension  Fund  identifies  its  objectives,  targets,  and  investment  limits,  the  next  step  is  to  formulate
                  a portfolio policy and strategy. Analysis of the 2019 AKM Pension Fund investment policy statement shows that it
                  has  stated  description  of  the  client,  the  purpose  of  establishing  policies  and  guidelines;  investment  duties  and
                  responsibilities  of  the  parties  involved;  statement  of  goals,  objectives,  and  investment  constraints;  a  schedule  for
                  investment  performance  reviews  and  investment  policy  statements;  considerations  in  developing  strategic  asset
                  allocations; as well as investment strategies and investment styles. This is following the stages of investment policy
                  formulation  following  (Bodie  et  al.,  2014).  However,  investment  policy  formulation  also  requires  guidelines  for
                  rebalancing. This has not been prepared by the AKM Pension Fund.

                  The next step is to set market expectations. In preparing market expectations for 2019, the AKM Pension Fund uses
                  the macroeconomic growth assumption for 2019 of 5.10%; inflation of 4.5%; Bank Indonesia (BI) interest rate in 2019
                  at 6.5%; the Rupiah exchange rate against USD is around Rp14,600; and the Daily Composite Index (JCI) at the level
                  of 6,700. Based on these market expectations, the time deposit rate may change compared to 2018 to 7.50%. Besides,
                  the 10-year 2019 SBN yield is estimated to be in the range of 8.38%, while bond coupons will follow the movement
                  of SBN yields. Based on these market expectations, AKM Pension Fund has prepared a portfolio yield target without a
                  Revaluation Difference (SPI) in 2019 of 9.

                  Furthermore, in asset allocation planning is to compile strategic asset allocations. AKM Pension Fund has prepared its
                  asset allocation for 2019 with a composition of savings, DOC 0.1%; time deposits of 8.3%; SBN of 22.7%; shares of 3.4%;
                  bonds by 43.8%, EBA by 2.9%; direct investment of 16.6%; and land and buildings at 2.4%. The strategic asset allocation
                  of the AKM Pension Fund in 2019 shows that the largest composition is bonds and SBN. Besides, there are also asset
                  allocations in short-term assets, namely savings, DOCs, and time deposits.

                  Following  its  investment  objectives  and  targets,  AKM  Pension  Fund  has  arranged  strategic  asset  allocations  that
                  provide a return rate above 8%, namely without SPI of 9.63% and with SPI of 8.43% following the target yield of each
                  instrument. the asset. Besides, in meeting the regulatory limitations of the OJK, AKM Pension Fund has allocated a
                  minimum SBN of 30%, of which 50% can be allocated to corporate bonds for infrastructure purposes. Next, following
                  liquidity limits, AKM Pension Fund also allocates its assets to short-term assets, namely savings, DOC, and time deposits.
                  Even though the allocation of these assets is small, AKM Pension Fund has fulfilled the availability of assets that can be
                  used to fulfill liquidity. The AKM Pension Fund also meets the demographic limitations of participants, the majority are
                  retirees. This is indicated by the allocation of assets in 2019 which were mostly placed on SBN and bonds, namely 22%
                  and 43.8%, respectively.

                  In the implementation of its asset allocation planning stage, AKM Pension Fund has carried out most of the steps, namely
                  setting investment objectives or targets, forming capital market expectations, and creating strategic asset allocations.
                  However, in forming its investment policy, AKM Pension Fund needs to formulate guidelines for rebalancing.

                  In evaluating the implementation asset allocation, we find that the management has determined its tactical asset
                  allocation using profit-taking on existing shares if the profit target (gain) of shares has been exceeded, switching
                  strategies, and divesting the bonds that are downgraded. However, at the time of allocating its assets, the AKM Pension
                  Fund had not taken steps to find a portfolio that could achieve the maximum rate of return for each particular risk level.
                  Furthermore, AKM Pension Fund has not taken steps to find the optimal asset mix so that it meets the best return and
                  risk combination that meets the investment constraints faced by AKM Pension Fund. Thus, it could lose the potential to
                  achieve more optimal level with the best combination of return and risk in its asset mix.

                  In selecting securities, based on the analysis of investment policy documents and the RKAPB, AKM Pension Fund
                  has selected securities by considering the acceptable level of return and risk as well as considering the compatibility
                  between the maturity profile of the portfolio and the estimated long-term policy. Furthermore, the document review
                  shows that the selection of securities by the AKM Pension Fund is carried out by prioritizing prudence, namely securities
                  which are mainly issued/issued by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

                                                                                 International Conference on Sustainability  85
                                                                                 (5  Sustainability Practitioner Conference)
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