P. 71

Table 2 shows the results of the Pearson correlation test to assess the correlation between the variables used in the
               research model. Based on the Pearson correlation test in the ASEAN sample, 5 shows that most independent variables
               have a significant correlation to the level of corporate leverage, except for internationalization. Overconfidence has
               a significant negative correlation with the vertical integration strategy but has a significant positive correlation with
               the diversification strategy. Overconfidence does not have a significant correlation with internationalization strategies.

               4.2   Descriptive Sample and Pearson Correlation
               The results of the regression method test using the Chow Test, the Hausman Test show that the fixed effect model is
               the best model both for the first and second models in ASEAN 5 regression samples. The same results for the additional
               test in every country. Based on the classical assumption test, each variable in both first and second models is free from
               multicollinearity but is subject to autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Hence this study uses the robust fixed effect
               regression model to overcome autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. These results apply to all tests for both ASEAN
               5 samples and partially in every country.

               Table.3  shows  the  regression  result  for  the  whole  ASEAN  5  samples.  The  regression  results  reject  almost  all  the
               six  hypotheses  in  both  models,  except  for  the  third  hypothesis  which  is  accepted  in  the  second  model.  The
               internationalization strategy has proven to have a significant positive association with its capital structure.

                                             Table 3 Regression Result ASEAN 5

                DERit   = α + β1VIit + β2 DVR it + β3 ITL it + β4 STA it + β5 ROA it + β6 SZE it + β7 GRW it  + β8 GDP it  +  β9 IFL it
                         + εit.........................................................................................................................(Model 1)
                DERit    = α + β1VIit + β2 DVR it + β3 ITL it + β4  OVC  it  + β5VI*OVC +β6 DVER*OVC + β7 ITL*OVC + β8 STA it
                         + β9 ROA  it + β10 SZE it + β11 GRW  it  + β12 GDP it  + β13 IFL  it + εit...............................................
                         (Model 2)
                                                          odel 2)

                                                        Model 1                      Model 2
                   Variabel     Expected Sign
                                                  Coef.         Prob.          Coef.          Prob.
                    OVC*VI           -                                         0,0332         0,29
                   OVC*DVR           +                                        -0,0411         0,19
                    OVC*ITL          +           -0,0229         0,13         -0,2323         0,13
                     GRW             -           -0,0837        0,00***        0,0832        0,00***
                     ROA             -           -0,0759         0,18         -0,0756         0,19
                     SZE             +           -0,8635         0,00         -0,8638         0,00
                     STA             +           -0,2019         0,46         -0,0204         0,46
                     GDP             +           -0,0792         0,42         -0,0618         0,43
                     IFL             -           0,7269          0,00          0,7226         0,000
                    R-square                             0,2597                       0,2606
                    Prob> F                              0,0000                       0,0000
                Description :
                TLTDER = Capital structure of company i in year t, GRW = Growth of company assets i in period t, STA = structure of company assets i in period t,
                SZE = Size or total assets of the company i in period t. ROA = Profitability of company i in period t, VI = Degree of vertical integration of company
                i in period t, DVR = Degree of diversification of company i in period t, ITL = Degree of internationalization of company i in period t, OVC = CEO
                Overconfidence of company i in period t, GDP = economic growth in the company state i in period t, IFL = the inflation rate in the company state i in
                period t.
                *** significant at α=1% ;
                ** significant at α=5% ;
                * significant at α=10%

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