P. 68

Following  the  measurements  used  by  Cappa  et  al.  (2019)  that  the  degree  of  vertical  integration  (VI)  is  calculated
                  based on the ratio between gross profit and total sales. The score range between 0-1. The higher the score shows that
                  companies are increasingly integrated.
                  The degree of diversification (DVR) is measured using the Herfindhal index modification (Cappa et al., 2019), with the
                  formula as below :

                  Sales  is sales per segment owned by the company. Getting closer to one shows the company is becoming perfectly
                  The degree of internationalization (ITL) is measured based on the ratio between the value of export sales to total sales
                  (Pacheco, 2016). The closer one shows the more active the company is in internationalizing.

                  CEO overconfidence (OVC) uses a dummy variable where 0 states the company has a normal CEO and 1 if the company
                  has CEO overconfidence. There are three criteria used to classify CEOs with overconfidence. The investment rate is
                  higher than the median of similar industries (Vivian & Xu, 2018), the value acquisition and merger is higher than the
                  median of similar industries, and growth in yield dividend equal to zero (Schrand & Zechman, 2012). For companies that
                  meet two of the three criteria, the company’s CEO is classified as overconfidence.

                  There  are  six  control  variables  used  in  research. The  company’s  growth  (GRW)  variable  measured  by  the  ratio  of
                  asset growth.companies that have high growth rates will limit the use of debt Belkhir et al.(2016), Ramli et al. (2019).
                  Profitability (ROA) as measured by the ratio of net income to total assets. The high profitability shows the company has
                  high available internal funds and a smaller need for external funding. Supported by the results of research conducted
                  by Joveer (2013), Matemilola (2019). Asset structure (STA) is measured by the ratio between fixed assets and total assets.
                  A company with a high value of tangible assets tends to have higher debt. Tangible assets can be used by companies
                  as collateral thereby increasing the company’s credibility in the eyes of creditors. (Ramli et al.,2019;  Vo, 2017; and Sun
                  et al., 2016). Size (SZE) of assets measured by the natural log of total assets. companies that have high asset values will
                  have easier access to funding through debt. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between the value of assets and
                  the level of debt (Sun et al., 2016; Belkhir et al., 2016).

                  In  addition  to  the  internal  factors  of  the  company  as  explained  earlier,  external  factors  that  shape  the  business
                  environment can also influence corporate decisions regarding capital structure. The increasing economic growth (GDP)
                  will make the expectations of company performance in the form of profitability will also increase so that demand for
                  and external will be reduced (Ramli et al., 2019). Likewise with the inflation rate (IFL), when inflation rises it will result in
                  increased debt costs, consequently the level of debt will decrease.

                  There are two models used in this study. The first model is to analyze the effect of the three corporate strategies on the
                  capital structure or to test hypotheses 1,2 & 3.

                   TLTDERit =  β0  +  β1VIit  +  β2DVRit  +  β3ITLit  +  β4GRWit  +  β5ROAit  β6SZEit + β7STAit + β8GDPit + β9IFLit
                            + εit

                  While the second model is used to test hypotheses 4,5 & 6 that show the moderation role of the CEO overconfidence

                   TLTDERit  =  β0  +  β1VIit  +  β2DVRit  + β3ITLit  +  β4GRWit  +   β5ROAit β6SZEit + β7STAit + β8GDPit + β9IFLit +
                            β10OVCit  + β11OVC*VIit + β12OVC*DVRit + β13OVC*ITLit + εit

                  In this study, there is an additional test, which is testing the two models in every country partially. Since every country
                  has different characteristics especially in the culture, so it might have different results in every country. Hopefully, the
                  result could give more specific results regarding how the association of corporates strategies with its capital structure
                  and the role of CEO overconfidence could be different in every country.

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