P. 70

Table 1  Statistic Descriptive (Continue)
                      Variabel       Countries                       Descriptive Statistic
                                                     Mean         Std Dev         Max            Min
                                       All         1.729.526      3.065.373     90.150.000       4.722
                                     Indonesia     1.889.348      3.176.624     23.979.896       4.722
                     SZE (thousand   Malaysia      1.625.313      2.971.258     35.676.855       5.315
                        USD)        Philippines    3.597.408      3.763.411     27.605.559      14.822
                                     Singapore     2.537.992      3.490.187.    90.150.000       8.172
                                     Thailand      1.102.519      2.524.865     72.801.804       5.562
                                       All          0,5525         0,2152         0,9940        0,0050
                                     Indonesia      0,4951         0,2113         0,9270        0,0180
                                     Malaysia       0,5992         0,2055         0,9400        0,0130
                                    Philippines     0,4468         0,2033         0,9650        0,0110
                                     Singapore      0,5360         0,2038         0,9850        0,0490
                                     Thailand       0,5614         0,2190         0,9900        0,0050
                                       All          0,0416         0,0133         0,0688        0,0098
                                     Indonesia      0,0503         0,0011         0,0601        0,0488
                                     Malaysia       0,0531         0,0060         0,0601        0,0445
                                    Philippines     0,0640         0,0032         0,0688        0,0607
                                     Singapore      0,0335         0,0044         0,0390        0,0289
                                     Thailand       0,0293         0,0118         0,0413        0,0098
                                       All          0,0166         0,0180         0,0639        -0,0090
                                     Indonesia      0,0480         0,0141         0,0639        0,0314
                                     Malaysia       0,0259         0,0087         0,0387        0,0089
                                    Philippines     0,0262         0,0161         0,0521        0,0067
                                     Singapore      0,0020         0,0068         0,0102        -0,0053
                                     Thailand       0,0057         0,0101         0,0190        -0,0090
                   Description :
                   TLTDER = Capital structure of company i in year t, GRW = Growth of company assets i in period t, STA = structure of company assets i in period t, SZE = Size or total assets of the
                   company i in period t. ROA = Profitability of company i in period t, VI = Degree of vertical integration of company i in period t, DVR = Degree of diversification of company i in
                   period t, ITL = Degree of internationalization of company i in period t, OVC = CEO Overconfidence of company i in period t, GDP = economic growth in the company state i in
                   period t, IFL = the inflation rate in the company state i in period t.
                  The Philippines is the country with the highest average leverage level, followed by Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and
                  finally Singapore. Based on the average value, it can be seen that the Philippines is the country that quite active in
                  implementing the vertical integration strategy, while Singapore is the country that is quite active in implementing the
                  strategy of diversification and internationalization.

                                                   Table 2  Pearson Correlatio
                           TLTDER   VI   DVR    ITL    OVC   OVC*VI  OVC*DVR  OVC*ITL   GRW   SZE  ROA  STA
                   TLTDER  1,0000
                   VI     -0,0098  1,0000
                   DVR    0,1447***  -0,0651  1,0000
                   ITL    0,1032**  -0,0440  0,0758  1,0000
                   OVC    0,1629***  0,0865*  -0,1057**  -0,0840  1,0000
                   OVC*VI  0,1479***  0,2702***  -0,1173**  -0,0489  0,6851***  1,0000
                   OVC*DVR  0,2343***  0,0269  0,1585***  0,0194  0,4276***  0,3774***  1,0000
                   OVC*ITL  0,0400  -0,0121  -0,0128  0,2963***  0,1563***  0,2077***  0,2568***  1,0000
                   GRW    0,0820*  0,0594  0,0336  -0,0336  0,1237***  0,0794*  0,1108**  0,0297  1,0000
                   SZE    0,0002  0,0502  -0,0556  -0,0526  0,0745  0,0678  0,0211  0,0719  0,0629  1,0000
                   ROA    -0,2699***  0,4255***  0,0662  0,0486  -0,1489***  -0,0081  -0,831*  0,0219  0,2187***  0,0750  1,0000
                   STA    -0,6157***  0,2578***  -0,0835  -0,0614  -0,0798  -0,0391  -0,1156**  -0,0425**  -0,0904  -0,0476  0,2302***  1,0000
                   Description : TLTDER = Capital structure of company i in year t, GRW = Growth of company assets i in period t, STA = structure of company assets i in period t, SZE = Size or total
                   assets of the company i in period t. ROA = Profitability of company i in period t, VI = Degree of vertical integration of company i in period t, DVR = Degree of diversification
                   of company i in period t, ITL = Degree of internationalization of company i in period t, OVC = CEO Overconfidence of company i in period t, GDP = economic growth in the
                   company state i in period t, IFL = the inflation rate in the company state i in period t.
                   *** significant at α=1%
                   **significant at α=5%
                   * significant at α=10%

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