P. 170

SPM 1 requires KAP to establish policies and procedures for conditions that require rotation of engagement partners.
                  This provision cannot be applied to KAP X because KAP X only has one partner.

                  4.1.3 Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements
                  In a small KAP with one partner, the partner has two responsibilities, namely determining client acceptance and ethical
                  requirements. Determination of acceptance and continuity of client relationships is carried out based on policies and
                  procedures to ensure that KAP has the competent ability to carry out the engagement, including time and resources.

                                   Table 4.3 Checklist for Acceptance and Continuation of Relationships
                                               with Specific Clients and Engagement

                    III.  Penerimaan dan Keberlanjutan Hubungan dengan          Referensi
                               Kilen dan Perikatan Tertentu
                   Tujuan: Memberikan keyakinan memadai bahwa KAP X            ISQC 1.26.-28.
                   memperoleh klien atau melanjutkan kemitraan dengan klien
                   yang memungkinkan KAP untuk mengedepankan mutu dari
                   perikatan yang dijalankan

                        Kebijakan dan Prosedur KAP  YES  NO  N/A      Keterangan     Penerapan SPM KAP X pada KAP X
                   Menetapkan kebijakan dan prosedur yang   v    Tidak ada pemisahan   Rata-rata klien KAP X merupakan
                   mengatur penerimaan dan keberlanjutan         kebijakan dan prosedur   perusahaan start up. Namun, KAP X tidak
                   hubungan perikatan dengan klien, didesain untuk   yang jelas mengenai kriteria   mendokumentasikan tindakan identifikasi
                   memberikan KAP keyakinan memadai bahwa        kapabilitas KAP untuk mampu   kapabilitas KAP untuk mampu menjalankan
                   KAP hanya melakukan hubungan kerjasama di     menjalankan perikatan dari   dan menyelesaikan perikatan tersebut
                   mana KAP mampu untuk melaksanakan perikatan   calon klien
                   dengan memiliki waktu dan sumber daya yang
                   memadai, mematuhi ketentuam etika profesi yang
                   berlaku, telah mempertimbangkan integritas klien
                   Kebijakan dan prosedur yang dibuat KAP X harus   v             Tidak ada dokumentasi yang tersedia
                   mengatur mengenai pengumpulan informasi                        mengenai analisis, identifikasi benturan
                   penting saat memperoleh klien baru serta saat                  kepentingan antara klien baru dan klien yang
                   menganalisis perikatan baru dari klien yang                    sudah ada
                   ada, mengidentifikasi apakah ada kemungkinan
                   benturan kepentingan pada klien baru atau
                   klien yang sudah ada, serta dokumentasi atas
                   bagaimana KAP X menghadapi isu tersebut
                   Kebijakan dan prosedur yang mengatur   v                       KAP X pernah melakukan penolakan
                   keberlanjutan perikatan dan hubungan dengan                    terhadap klien yang disebabkan calon klien
                   klien dalam kondisi KAP menolak perikatan jika                 memiliki risiko yang tinggi. Namun hal
                   informasi tersedia lebih awal                                  tersebut tidak terdokumentasikan.
                  SPM KAP X states that KAP only accepts new assignments or only continues the engagement if KAP has the capability,
                  but KAP X does not perform special documentation if there is rejection of potential clients. The results of the interview
                  with the Audit Manager of KAP X, the process of determining client acceptance is carried out by conducting meetings
                  or communication with prospective clients to talk about the types of client operations, the performance of the client’s
                  financial statements in the previous year, the expectations of the prospective clients regarding the service ties that will
                  be provided by KAP X , then if you have got an overview of the prospective client’s company, KAP X submits a proposal
                  to the prospective client. KAP X documents the submitted proposals and binding letters to prospective clients.

                  In addition, KAP X had terminated its relationship with a client who was an iron and steel selling company. In the
                  middle of the engagement process, work is stopped because the work requested by the client is not in accordance
                  with the initial agreement and takes longer than it should be. Moreover, KAP X has not received payment from clients
                  so that the time that could have been used to provide services to other clients is wasted. However, the process of
                  terminating the engagement with the client is not documented by KAP X.

                  4.1.4 Human Resources
                  Adequacy and quality of human resources employed are the key to the success of a company. Companies are advised
                  to appoint one or several people who are directly responsible for carrying out human resources functions. In a small
                  KAP, the human resources function has a simpler procedure.

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