P. 168

After carrying out the documentation process, the researcher found that KAP X did not have a special team or personnel
                  who were responsible for managing the regularity of company documentation both administratively and documents
                  related to KAP X’s quality control activities.

                  4.  RESULT AND ANALYSIS

                  Based on the data obtained at the time of the research, the researcher gained an understanding of the process of
                  implementing the Quality Control System at KAP X. The researcher will discuss the results of this understanding and
                  then compare them with ISQC 1 implemented in Indonesia through SPM 1, analyze the findings obtained during the
                  study, and recommendations in the form of policies and procedures that need to be applied to the SPM KAP X. To
                  obtain a deep understanding and analyze problems regarding quality control at KAP X, researchers used three types
                  of approaches such as interviewing KAP X personnel, observation, and documentation. The following are the results
                  of the analysis that has been carried out:

                  4.1  Implementation of KAP X Quality Control System Compared to ISQC 1 Implemented
                      in Indonesia Through SPM 1
                  The researcher developed a checklist for audit quality control based on ISQC 1 and input from various standards.
                  Researchers also obtained input from the results of interviews conducted at KAP X regarding the expectations of KAP
                  X in improving audit quality. The findings that occur in the implementation of ISQC 1 can be considered by KAP X in
                  the future in monitoring the audit process.

                  ISQC 1 requires KAP to have an internal culture that prioritizes quality rather than commercial matters in carrying
                  out an engagement and assigns personnel who are responsible and have sufficient ability and experience to carry
                  out work. KAP is also asked to have adequate policies and procedures to support the quality or quality of the audit.
                  These policies and procedures must be in written form and their implementation documented so that they can be
                  accounted for. Meanwhile, the communication channels found in small KAP are shorter and simpler so that there is
                  minimal written documentation. Thus, the implementation of ISQC 1 in small KAP must be adjusted to the nature and
                  size of the company.

                  4.1.1 Leadership Responsibilities at Sole Proprietorship Public Accounting Firm
                  As stated in ISQC 1.18, company leadership and the examples implemented have a significant influence on the
                  company’s internal culture. In addition, the policies and procedures designed must also support an internal culture
                  with a commitment to prioritizing quality in carrying out an engagement. The internal culture of a KAP is reflected in
                  the vision, mission, policies and quality control procedures as a guideline for KAP in operating.

                   Table 4.1 Checklist of Conformity and Implementation of Leadership Responsibilities for Quality in the Public
                                                       Accounting Firm

                      I.  Tanggung Jawab kepemimpinan KAP atas Mutu             Referensi
                   Tujuan: Mendukung Budaya internal yang mengedepankan        ISQC 1.18-.19
                   mutu dalam menjalankan suatu perikatan

                                                     Kesesuaian SPM KAP X dengan ISQC 1
                        Kebijakan dan Prosedur KAP                                   Penerapan SPM KAP X pada KAP X
                                               YES    NO    N/A       Keterangan
                                                                 Tidak ada kriteria yang   Kompensasi diberikan kepada karyawan
                   Menetapkan kebijakan dan prosedur yang        spesifik atau jelas secara   berdasarkan pencapaian pemerolehan klien.
                   mengatur evaluasi atas kinerja kompensasi dan   v
                   promosi (termasuk sitem insentif) personil KAP  tertulis mengenai pemberian
                                                                 kompensasi kepada staff
                   Memastikan setiap pertimbangan komersil tidak                  Tidak ada dokumentasi yang membuktikan
                   mengesampingkan mutu pekerjaan yang dilakukan   v              dilaksanakannya pertimbangan tersebut.
                   oleh KAP
                   Menyediakan sumber daya yang memadai khusus                    KAP menunjuk salah seorang karyawan
                   untuk melakukan pengembangan, dokumentasi                      yang bertanggung jawab atas kebijakan dan
                   dan dukungan atas kebijakan dan prosedur   v                   prosedur pengendalian mutu

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