P. 174

Kebijakan dan Prosedur KAP  YES  NO  N/A    Keterangan     Penerapan SPM KAP X pada KAP X
                   Perusahaan harus mengkomunikasikan setidaknya setiap
                   tahun hasil pemantauan sistem kontrol kualitasnya
                   kepada mitra perikatan dan individu lain yang sesuai
                   dalam perusahaan, termasuk kepala eksekutif perusahaan
                   atau jika perlu, dewan pengelola mitra. Komunikasi ini
                   harus memadai untuk memungkinkan perusahaan dan
                   individu-individu ini untuk mengambil tindakan yang             KAP X merupakan sebuah KAP kecil sehingga
                   cepat  dan tepat jika perlu sesuai dengan peran dan   v         tidak memiliki perikatan audit perusahaan
                   tanggung jawab mereka yang ditentukan. Informasi                         emiten
                   yang dikomunikasikan mencakup: (a) Deskripsi prosedur
                   pemantauan yang dilakukan. (b) Kesimpulan diambil dari
                   prosedur pemantauan. (c) Apabila relevan, uraian tentang
                   kekurangan sistemik, berulang atau signifikan lainnya
                   dan tindakanyang diambil untuk menyelesaikan atau
                   mengubah kekurangan tersebut
                                                                                    Staf yang memiliki tanggung jawab atas
                   Kebijakan dan prosedur penelaahan atas pengendalian            pengendalian mutu melaksanakan konsultasi
                   mutu mencakup beberapa hal yaitu konsultasi hal penting        hal penting dengan rekan perikatan, informasi
                   dengan rekan perikatan, informasi penting atas laporan   v      penting atas laporan keuangan yang akan
                   keuangan yang akan diterbitkan, penelaahan dokumen              diterbitkan, penelaahan dokumen perikatan.
                   perikatan serta evaluasi terhadap suatu kesimpulan              namun, evaluasi atas kesimpulan ditangani
                                                                                       langsung oleh Rekan KAP X
                  4.1.7 Monitoring
                  Documentation is kept for a certain period. This is to enable KAP to evaluate KAP compliance with the company’s
                  internal control system, this is also required by professional standards, laws and other regulations.

                  KAP X only has an admin staff who is in charge of carrying out administrative functions in the company, but there is no
                  special staff or division to maintain company documentation. Until now, documentation of each engagement with the
                  client is kept by each person in charge of carrying out the engagement with the client.

                  Based on the results of documentation and interviews conducted, KAP X has not implemented an index system for
                  document storage. Back up - data is not routinely carried out by KAP X personnel so that if there is a loss or damage to
                  the laptop, important work data will be lost.

                  5. CONCLUSION

                  The Quality Control System is designed to provide sufficient confidence that the actions carried out by KAP X are in
                  accordance with ISQC1, professional standards, regulations, and applicable laws, only because KAP X is a small KAP
                  so that the implementation of communication is informal and still lacks important documentation. owned by KAP
                  X as evidence that KAP X has implemented a policy or procedure. In addition, the KAP X quality control policies and
                  procedures are not clearly separated.

                  The design of SPM policies and procedures provides clear guidelines for KAP X personnel to act in accordance with
                  the objectives that SPM wants to achieve. In the analysis and discussion in CHAPTER 4, the design of policies and
                  procedures is expected to be able to solve various problems, especially problems related to the quality of reports
                  produced by KAP X. Policies that are not in accordance with the capacity of KAP X are removed from the manual of SPM
                  KAP X, as well as policies and procedures in Initially it was not clearly separated, became more systematic, understood,
                  and obeyed by all KAP X personnel.

                  The policies and procedures designed in Chapter 4 require special personnel to evaluate compliance. These policies
                  and procedures require the support of all personnel so that they can be implemented, especially KAP X Partners who
                  have the responsibility of building an internal culture that cares and promotes quality in each engagement.

                  The checklist table becomes a framework for analyzing the suitability of KAP X policies and procedures and can be used
                  by other small KAPs who want to design policies and procedures.

                  The following is a summary of the barriers to Individual and Alternative KAP that can be implemented by KAP in order
                  to comply with the elements of quality control of ISQC-1:

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