29/01/2019 6:28 pm, by ICSP Editor

About the Conference

Sustainability is a solution to maintain and balance the changes that occur in the world and in various aspects. Based on the Triple Bottom Lines (3Ps: People, Planet, and Profit) as the main pillar, the concept of sustainability continues to grow until now.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a world agenda that has been running since it was inaugurated in 2015. The Indonesian government and stakeholders, including practitioners, have carried out various strategic steps to support their achievements. SDGs has become the rationale for a shared understanding for all parties involved.

In order to support the agenda of SDGs, National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) and the Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP) have hosted a Sustainability Practitioner Conference (SPC). This is the third year the SPC is held, with the theme “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): From Global Policy to Local Implications”.

Continuing the 1st SPC which was previously held in Malang and the 2nd SPC in Solo, the 3rd SPC will be held in Lampung on 7-8 December 2018. In this occasion, the Lampung CSR Forum will also be involved by providing their support as Co- 3rd SPC organizer.

The 3rd SPC 2018 goes hand in hand with the event Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2018 (connect ke link Asia SR Rating 2018), which is initiated by the NCSR. And Lampung Sustainability Award (LSA), that is an awarding event held by the Lampung Provincial Government, in collaboration with Lampung CSR Forum.

Chairman Speech (Welcome Speech Chairman of ICSP)

Welcome Speech – Chairman of NCSR (Ali Darwin)
Welcome Speech – Chairman of ICSP (Eko Ganis Sukoharsono)


The objective of the 3rd Sustainability Practitioner Conference is to bring together academicians, business persons and government (ABG) to exchange and share the research results and the experiences of sustainability implementations in their different fields. The Conference also provides an interdisciplinary platform for policy makers, top managers, researcher, practitioners, and academicians to discuss the most recent implementations, trends and concerns on the SDGs. As aware of, SDGs are a world agenda that needs support from various parties for their achievements. Therefore, the Conference is organized in order to disseminate and build mutual understanding of SDGs concepts embedded in Indonesia, especially from the ABG.

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Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP) is an organization for Sustainability Practitioners. Established to educate professionals preserving natural and social capital resources by using principle professional guidelines.

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NCSR was established in 2005 by government bodies, corporations and individuals in early recognition of the need to develop competency in sustainability within Indonesia. In 2007, the Government of Indonesia included a requirement for conducting some sustainability actions and reporting on those actions for some private and public corporations. Since its inception, NCSR has remained updated on global sustainability issues, becoming a GRI Certified Training Partner and GRI Data Partner. NCSR has run the Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Awards since 2005.

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