Author Archives for ICSP Editor

Companies, be Responsible for all Your Impacts

July 4, 2024 4:27 pm Published by Comments Off on Companies, be Responsible for all Your Impacts

    Every year I create a list of the best sustainable business books—in addition to lists of sustainability (non-business) books and (non-sustainability) business books. I noticed that the list .......

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Sustainability Conference Supports Strengthening Business Performance and Resilience

October 19, 2023 2:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Sustainability Conference Supports Strengthening Business Performance and Resilience

Sustainability Conference Supports Strengthening Business Performance and Resilience   Semarang, October 19, 2023 – The Sustainability Conference held online by the Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP), the National Center .......

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Climate Change or Climate Crisis

September 12, 2023 3:27 pm Published by Comments Off on Climate Change or Climate Crisis

Climate Change or Climate Crisis     Climate change, or climate crisis, is a condition where the earth suffers from changes of temperature and weather patterns.  The climate crisis is .......

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Leadership Is Lacking in CSR And ESG

September 12, 2023 11:46 am Published by Comments Off on Leadership Is Lacking in CSR And ESG

Leadership Is Lacking in CSR And ESG     Without more leadership, new threats and uncertain times lie ahead for the world of CSR and ESG. But according to a .......

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8 Steps to Enhance Emissions Reporting

August 31, 2023 2:19 pm Published by Comments Off on 8 Steps to Enhance Emissions Reporting

8 Steps to Enhance Emissions Reporting     The European Commission’s European Sustainability Reporting Standards developed as part of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will also come into play .......

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Indonesia Issued Carbon Exchange Regulation

August 28, 2023 2:25 pm Published by Comments Off on Indonesia Issued Carbon Exchange Regulation

Indonesian Government Issued Carbon Exchange Regulation     The Indonesian Financial Services Authority’s (OJK) has officially issued guidelines and references for carbon trading on carbon exchanges on August 23, 2023. .......

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M&A Deals Canceled on ESG Due Diligence Findings

August 25, 2023 10:57 am Published by Comments Off on M&A Deals Canceled on ESG Due Diligence Findings

Over Half of M&A Dealmakers Have Canceled Deals on ESG Due Diligence Findings   A new survey by the global professional services firm KPMG, found that over half of respondents .......

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Climate Change Puts Sovereigns at Downgrade Risk

August 23, 2023 8:30 pm Published by Comments Off on Climate Change Puts Sovereigns at Downgrade Risk

Climate Change Puts Sovereigns at Downgrade Risk     A global failure to curb carbon emissions will lead to rising debt-servicing costs for 59 nations within the next decade. According .......

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