Getting to Know CBAM

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the world’s first carbon border tax created by the EU. It aims to reduce carbon emissions by primarily focussing on addressing carbon leakage or offshoring emissions. The first stage of the policy came into force on 1 October 2023, followed by three years phased approach until it comes into full force from 1 January 2026 when the carbon price will start to be charged. Whilst the initial trial phase is focused on high emitting sectors, including cement, fertilisers, iron and steel, aluminium, hydrogen, and electricity; CBAM will be gradually ramped up to include more sectors.

For industries supplying to European Union, it is therefore pertinent to get to know CBAM and prepare for its full force in 2026 and beyond. Therefore, we will get to know and discuss CBAM; from its concept to context as well as its relevance to sustainable operation.

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Bank Name : Bank Central Asia
KCP: Arkadia Jakarta
Account Number : 540-5202911
Account Address : Gd. Kantor Hijau Arkadia Tower F-GF
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 88 Jakarta 12520
NPWP: 83.525.116.6-016.000

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Mar 20 2025


10:00 am - 11:30 am


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Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP) is an organization for Sustainability Practitioners. Established to educate professionals preserving natural and social capital resources by using principle professional guidelines.

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NCSR was established in 2005 by government bodies, corporations and individuals in early recognition of the need to develop competency in sustainability within Indonesia. In 2007, the Government of Indonesia included a requirement for conducting some sustainability actions and reporting on those actions for some private and public corporations. Since its inception, NCSR has remained updated on global sustainability issues, becoming a GRI Certified Training Partner and GRI Data Partner. NCSR has run the Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Awards since 2005.

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