Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Sustainable Growth

24 OCTOBER 2024

Keynote Speaker:

Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia*


  • Meyliana, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CSRS.
    Lecturer of Accounting Undergraduate Program
    Maranatha Christian University
  • Ronald Walla*
    Head of Micro, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises
    Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO)
  • Ni Made Roni
    Owner of Made Tea Bali
    (Sustainable Indonesian Tisane Specialists)*To be confirmed

Date and Time:

Thursday, 24 October 2024
09.00 – 16.00 WIB

Theater Room
Gedung Administrasi Pusat, 8th Floor
Maranatha Christian University
Jalan Surya Sumantri 65
Bandung, Jawa Barat


– Academic Paper Contest: IDR 500.000/ USD 35

Best 10 Papers Will Present at The Conference.

3 Best Papers of the Best

•⁠ ⁠1st Winner: IDR 5,000,000
•⁠ ⁠2nd Winner: IDR 3,000,000
•⁠ ⁠3rd Winner: Rp 2,000,000

More info for Academic Paper Contest
Paulina Permatasari
Email: [email protected]

Academic Paper Contest registration and detail information


Offline to Universitas Katolik Maranatha Bandung

  • Active Member ICSP/Student/Academician: IDR 100.000/ USD 7
  • Non-Presenters/ Non-member/Public: IDR 300.000/ USD 20
  • Academic Paper Contest: IDR 500.000/ USD 35

Conference Fees Online via Zoom

  • Active Member ICSP: FREE
  • Student/Academician: IDR 100.000/ USD 7
  • Non-Presenters/ Non-member/Public: IDR 300.000/ USD 20


More info for Conference
Amalia Nur Fauzia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0882-9703-0950

Download Flyer

The 9th Sustainability Practitioner Conference Online Registration Form

Account Name: Perkumpulan Praktisi Keberlanjutan Bersertifikat
Bank Name : Bank Central Asia
KCP: Arkadia Jakarta
Account Number : 540-5202911
Account Address : Gd. Kantor Hijau Arkadia Tower F-GF,
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 88 Jakarta 12520
NPWP: 83.525.116.6-016.000

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Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP) is an organization for Sustainability Practitioners. Established to educate professionals preserving natural and social capital resources by using principle professional guidelines.

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NCSR was established in 2005 by government bodies, corporations and individuals in early recognition of the need to develop competency in sustainability within Indonesia. In 2007, the Government of Indonesia included a requirement for conducting some sustainability actions and reporting on those actions for some private and public corporations. Since its inception, NCSR has remained updated on global sustainability issues, becoming a GRI Certified Training Partner and GRI Data Partner. NCSR has run the Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Awards since 2005.

If you have further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.