P. 158

25          Sustainability in Higher


                               Rina Karlina, Mayla Khoiriyah

                                                     EXTENDED ABSTRACT


                  Higher education has important role in sustainability through local, regional, and national cross collaborations (Trencher
                  et al., 2014). According to Sustainable Developmet Goals, higher education is required to provide wider access to
                  education and to offer higher opportunity to communities for learning in sustainable education systems. Thus, higher
                  education is needed to redefine their contracts with society, which were previously defined as social institution not as
                  an industrial institution (Lattu & Cai, 2020).

                  Sustainability  in  private  sector  has  been  widely  discussed  while  in  higher  education  is  still  limited  (Swarnapali,
                  2017). In fact, higher education has the same responsibility as private sector in impementing sustainable practices.
                  The  application  of  sustainability  practices  is  closely  related  to  stakeholder  theory,  where  all  relevant  stakeholders
                  contribute to value creation for business process in driving sustainability practices (Freudenreich et al., 2019). Likewise,
                  higher education need to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders in maximizing their services and to contribute to
                  sustainable education.

                  Tensions in sustainability are one of the important topic discussed in corporate sustainability. Tensions occur when
                  a corporate’s objectives are in conflict regarding economic, social, and environment dimensions. This is important
                  because  in  implementing  sustainability  practices,  higher  education  should  change  their  internal  processes,  which
                  associated with learning activities (Aleixo, Azeiteiro, and Leal, 2017) or social activites so the tensions in implementing
                  this practices must be known (Lattu and Cai, 2020; Hahn et al., 2012).

                  Higher contribution to community is also demanded in Indonesia’s higher education. Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi,
                  which are mandatory regulation, encourages higher education conducting social community activites by involving
                  students. (Gusti, 2019). However, during COVID-19 outbreak, higher education face greater pressure in doing these
                  activities due to diffculty to communicate, unable to access internet and limitation of travel services. These issues give
                  special challenges to higher education whose students are widely spread across Indonesia (Pujilestari, 2020). Social
                  community activites are limited so that sustainability in higher education is questionable.

                  This study discusses the urgency of implementing sustainability in higher education in Indonesia. The purpose of this
                  study is to answer whether higher education can implement sustainable education during COVID-19 outbreak. This
                  research begins with a study of perceptions of sustainability concept in higher education according to Aleixo, Azeiteiro,
                  and Leal (2017). Then, analyzing tensions faced by higher education in implementing sustanability and strategies to
                  mitigate these tensions according to integrative framework developed by Hahn et al. (2012).

                  Accounting education are significantly affected by COVID-19 outbreak which can lead to dangerous education systems
                  (Aguguom, Ademola, Otitolaiye, 2020). So we choose accounting education as the sample of this study. In Indonesia,
                  the  study  of  accounting  in  higher  education  can  be  found  in  universities  which  are  Department  of  Accounting,
                  Department of Accouting Education, Department of Applied Accounting. We choose three universities as our sample
                  that  represents  each  of  these  categories  which  are  Riau  University,  Jakarta  State  University,  and  State  Financial
                  Polytechnic STAN. Studies related in higher education is still limited, it is expected that this research can contribute to
                  sustainability in higher education literature.


                  This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and single case study with several units of analysis. Research
                  instruments used are semi-structured interviews and documentation to be able to explore perceptions related to the
                  topic of sustainability in higher education.

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