P. 151

22         Social Mapping of The Community

                            Around The Mining of PT Antang

                            Gunung Meratus (Study in Six Villages

                            in Hulu Sungai Selatan District and

                            Tapin District)

                            Monika Handayani


               Social mapping is carried out to understand the social conditions of local communities. The results of the mapping
               can be used as the basis for the preparation of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program at PT Antang Gunung
               Meratus (PT. AGM). The villages that are the objects of the mapping are villages that are in contact with PT AGM’s
               mining  operations,  including  Ida  Manggala Village,  Malutu Village,  Baramban Village, Tatakan Village,  and  Sungai
               Puting Village. The purpose of the social mapping is first, to analyze the social condition of the community in the ring
               1 area of the PT Antang Gunung Meratus coal mine, both in terms of education, economy, health, security and the
               environment. Second, to formulate a Community Development (Comdev) program plan that is in accordance with
               the conditions of the environment and the surrounding community by compiling PT AGM’s CSR master plan for the
               short (2 years) and medium term (5 years) period. Third, analyze the role of the company in social processes, such as
               participation, cooperation, conflict and independence. Fourth, providing recommendations for improvement towards
               National Proper with a Green rating.

               The  research  method  used  for  this  research  is  the  Participatory  Rural  Appraisal  (PRA)  method,  this  method  was
               born because of the criticism of previous methods that treat people as objects, not as subjects, this method is an
               improvement from the previous method, namely the Rapid Rural Appraisal method ( RRA) who are deemed lacking
               in inviting stakeholders to participate in programs and policies. PRA is a method that invites people to participate in
               making concrete plans, monitoring and evaluating policies in their lives. By involving the community in the program
               process, the program is more in line with community needs and the level of community awareness in running the
               program  is  higher. There  are  seven  stages  carried  out  in  PRA,  namely  1)  Secondary  Data  Review  (SDR),  2)  Direct
               Observation, 3) Semi-Structured Interviewing (SSI), 4) Social Mapping, 5) Recording Historical Flow, 6) Venn Diagram,
               and 7) Focus Group Discussion.

               The level of Technology Readiness (TKT) proposed in the first year is in accordance with the indicators for the Social
               Sciences Humanities, first the basic principles of technology are researched and reported, second, preliminary data
               support, research and development design and procedures are collected, third, the research design and methodology
               are completely structured, fourth, data collection, validation in the research environment, fifth, completeness and
               analysis of the data in the research environment, sixth, the results of research and development in the form of social
               mapping and CSR master plan prepared for three villages namely Ida Manggala Village, Malutu Village, and Desa Batang
               Kulur Kiri, which is located in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (HSS), in the second year research was conducted again to
               produce a social mapping and CSR master plan for the next three villages, namely Tatakan Village, Sungai Puting Village
               and Baramban Village located in Tapin Regency. The current TKT 2, the final target of TKT 3. The compulsory outputs
               produced are in the form of national processing and accredited national journals. The results of this study are in the
               form of a social mapping of the community around the PT AGM Mine which can be used as input for the Provincial
               Government to become a Blue Print for Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) in South Kalimantan and
               PT AGM’s CSR Master plan for the short (2 years) and medium term ( 5 years).

               Social Mapping, Corporate Social Responsibility, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA).

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