P. 148

We run the data using Mann–Whitney U-tests because the data is not normally distributed and the data consists of two
                  independent samples. From the test statistics result table, it can be seen that the value of asymp.sig (2-tailed) or p-value
                  is 0.092 (p-value 1-tailed is 0.046). Whereas α= 0,05. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant SKI difference
                  between firms with SO and without SO. From the ranks table, it can be seen that the mean of SKI in ISOE with SO is
                  higher than the SKI in ISOE without SO. Therefore, ISOEs which employ Sustainability Officer is likely to be included in
                  the SRI Kehati Index.

                  Giving the fact that most of the SO hired by the ISOE are on the middle management level, their relation to SKI is
                  surprising.  Arora  &  Subramanian  (2017)  revealed  that  it  is  the  top  management  team  (TMT)  of  an  organization
                  who have a strong influence in company’s strategic decision–making so that they can affect financial performance.
                  Furthermore, Peters, Romi, & Sanchez (2017) revealed that the Chief Sustainability Officer with sustainability expertise
                  and background can affect sustainability performance. The mid-level manager, on the other hand, has responsibility
                  only in his or her specific production line (Kanashiro & Rivera, 2017). The result of this study confirm the signaling theory
                  perspective that the presence of SO in the ISOE give good signal to the investors who want to invest in sustainable

                  5.  CONCLUSION

                  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide empirical evidence by analyzing the presence of SO
                  in ISOEs and its relation to the SRI Kehati Index. So, this study provide contribution with regard to the sustainability
                  body of knowledge as well as corporate governance, since the SO is part of governance structure. This study provides
                  information to the practitioners that the presence of SO provide good impact for a company from investor perspective.


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