P. 114

18         The Ecological Value Based Learning

                               in Green Accounting Education

                               Fibriyani Nur Khairin, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Roekhudin, Bambang Hariadi



                  Value can be interpreted as something that is important to us and that motivates us. Education is a way to integrate
                  certain  values  with  students.  hence,  the  aim  of  this  study  is  to  explore  the  ecological  value-based  education  of
                  accounting education in higher education.


                  Qualitative research with interpretive paradigm and ecophenomenology approach used to uncover the form of green
                  accounting  education. The  form  of  accounting  education  will  be  revealed  through  the  viewpoints  of  accountant
                  educators who are concerned in the field of green accounting or sustainability accounting.


                  This research reveals values that can be integrated into green accounting education, such as the value of love and
                  honesty. A conservation concept was found to be the basis for understanding how the implementation of ecological
                  value-based  learning  in  the  accounting  education  process. These  values  can  present  the  aspect  of  spirituality  in
                  accounting education process that can ultimately deliver the accountants to have awareness and pro-environment


                  This study is expected to contribute to the development of green accounting education in Indonesia which emphasizes
                  value-based  learning  with  integrated  ecological  values  in  the  education  process.  So  that  better  quality  of  green
                  accounting education can be presented, which is one of the main elements of the Institute of Indonesian Chattered
                  Accountants as a foundation in order to optimize the inclusive role of accountants in supporting the implementation
                  of SDGs. Furthermore, future research may try to build a green accounting curriculum that integrates these values so of
                  learning will present accountant who has an awareness of sustainability issues.

                  Ecophenomenology, Green Accounting Education, Sustainability, Value-Based Education

                                                                                 International Conference on Sustainability  113
                                                                                 (5  Sustainability Practitioner Conference)
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