You will learn:

  • The link between sustainable development with sustainability reporting
  • Value of sustainability reporting
  • Key features of GRI Standards as well as to the modular structure
  • How to use the GRI Standards; apply the universal standards as well as the topic specific standards
  • How to understand and apply the concept of ‘materiality and boundaries’
  • How to understand and apply the reporting process using GRI Standards.


The training program provides you the tools to:

  • Plan your sustainability reporting process.
  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Distinguish your organizations material issues
  • Recognize the internal procedures and mechanisms you will need.
  • Incorporate the UN Global Compact Principles into Sustainability Reporting
  • Evaluate the quality of sustainability reports using your newly acquired knowledge.


PART1: Introduction and background
1.1 Sustainable Development
1.2 Sustainability Reporting
1.3 About GRI
1.3.1 GRI Standards
1.3.2 GRI’s Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)
1.3.3 Multi-Stakeholder Approach

PART 2: Overview of the GRI Standards
2.1 Useful Terminology
2.2 Introduction to GRI Standards
2.3 Structure of GRI Standards
2.4 How to Use the GRI Standards
2.5 Other Standards and Frameworks

Part 3: GRI Standards
3.1 Universal Standards
3.1.1 GRI 101: Foundation
3.1.2 GRI 102: General Disclosures
3.1.3 GRI 103: Management Approach
3.2 Topic-Specific Standards

PART 4: Start your reporting process using the GRI Standards
4.1 Applying the Reporting Principles
4.2 Reporting General Disclosures
4.3 Identifying Material Topics and Boundaries
4.4 Reporting on Material Topics
4.5 Reporting in Accordance
4.6 Presenting and Compiling Information
4.7 End of Course Exercise

PART 5: Additional resources
5.1 GRI Support Suite
5.2 Getting Involved
5.3 Useful Resources
5.4 End of Course Evaluation

Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners (ICSP) is an organization for Sustainability Practitioners. Established to educate professionals preserving natural and social capital resources by using principle professional guidelines.

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NCSR was established in 2005 by government bodies, corporations and individuals in early recognition of the need to develop competency in sustainability within Indonesia. In 2007, the Government of Indonesia included a requirement for conducting some sustainability actions and reporting on those actions for some private and public corporations. Since its inception, NCSR has remained updated on global sustainability issues, becoming a GRI Certified Training Partner and GRI Data Partner. NCSR has run the Indonesia Sustainability Reporting Awards since 2005.

If you have further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.