P. 3
Remarks from
Dr. Ali Darwin, Ak., M.Sc., CSRA
• The Honorable Professor Bambang Brojonegoro, Minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia
• Dr. Beta Yulianita Gitaharie, Dean Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Indonesia.
• My colleague, Board member of NCSR and ICSP
• Distinguished Speakers,
• Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Morning,
I am delighted to welcome everyone to this 5th Sustainability Practitioners Conference. It is a milestone in our collective
efforts to increase sustainability performance and maintain momentum towards building competence in the field of
Last year’s Sustainability Practitioners Conference in Bali brought together 150 participants, and it is good to see that
we now have 900 registered participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh and the Philippines, and
speakers from around the world.
The issue of sustainability, of ensuring economic, social and environmental health and stewardship into the future,
has no borders. The current challenge we face to manage this Covid-19 crisis has exposed both our strengths and our
weaknesses in both personal and institutional reactions.
While it is too early to come to any final conclusions about the Covid-19, we should nonetheless seek for some initial
views and assessments of this on-going crisis.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The National Center for Sustainability Reporting is dedicated to disseminating and promoting sustainability reporting
in this region and has conducted the Asian Sustainability Report Rating every year since 2005. The Sustainability Report
Rating 2020 will be announced on the 16th of December 2020.
Each Sustainability Practitioners Conference is held in collaboration with a different University each year. This year we
recognize and appreciate the Accountancy Department of the Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Indonesia
for hosting this event.
In closing, I wish to thank and show our appreciation to all the speakers, moderators and all the participants for taking
the time to participate in this conference.
I also wish to recognize the efforts of the Conference Committee who have worked so hard to prepare this event.
Enjoy the Conference,
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Thank You.
2 International Conference on Sustainability
(5 Sustainability Practitioner Conference)