P. 101

13         Water Management Accounting:

                            Efforts To Reduce Clean Water Crisis

                            Hilda Octavana Siregar, Yemima Maharani Sih Pamarta, Sarah Dewiyanti

                                                  EXTENDED ABSTRACT


               This  study  aims  to  analyze  the  impact  of  hotel  activities  in  Yogyakarta  on  the  clean  water  crisis  in  surrounding
               communities and seeks to provide solutions through water management accounting. Water management accounting
               issues  have  been  generated  in  many  previous  studies.  However,  what  makes  this  research  important  is  the  great
               pressure on the tourism industry, especially related to hotel activities which has a negative impact on the availability of
               clean water in the surrounding community. The majority of hotels have tall buildings that require large water discharge
               to be able to flow water to the top floor and tourist activity generates a lot of waste water, both from the kitchen,
               bathroom, laundry and swimming pool. these conditions have an impact on the discharge and water pollution of the
               community around the hotel.  Even though Yogyakarta is the second largest tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali
               and it is predicted that it will continue to increase in the next few years which has the potential to cause drought. Thus,
               the drive to provide solutions to hotel activities in Yogyakarta is an important and urgent need.


               This research is a descriptive qualitative research, using primary and secondary data. Primary data is the result of
               interviews with hotel management and the community around the hotel. While the secondary data used are hotel
               data and water crisis disaster in Yogyakarta in the 2015-2019 period. Data collection methods used were literature
               study, documentation and interviews. The stages of data analysis are reducing the data that has been collected to fit
               the research problem formulation, presenting data on the number and types of hotel activities in Yogyakarta and then
               drawing conclusions on the impact of hotel activities and solutions provided.


               Data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency in 2015-2019 states that the drought in Yogyakarta increased by
               an average of 20% per year.  The results of interviews with the community around the hotel indicate that there are two
               types of water sources, namely Regional Drinking Water Enterprises, springs and household wells, with details as follows
               28.9% wells, 32.5% Regional Water Supply Companies, 23 % of wells and regional water supply companies, and 15.6%
               of springs. As many as 17% of the community groups that use water from the Regional Drinking Water Company have
               experienced a decrease in water discharge and 50.5% sourced from wells have experienced drought since the hotel
               operated. Among them said that the decrease in water discharge and drought only occurred during the construction
               process by 10% and the rest were of the opinion that there was still a decrease in wells and drought to date. Then, the
               results obtained from interviews with the hotel management that amounted to 19.7% revealed knowing about water
               management accounting and from all existing hotel samples there is not a single hotel that applies water management
               accounting. The existence of accounting staff in Yogyakarta hotels is an average of 5 people with a background in
               accounting education of only 2 people per hotel.


               Based on the research results obtained, using statistical projections that tourist growth continues to increase and the
               number of hotels as tourist accommodation also continues to increase in Yogyakarta, even though there are rules for
               stopping hotel construction permits but the number of hotels that are still in the construction process is still high.
               Of all hotel respondents used in this study, there is not a single hotel that applies water management accounting
               even accounting staff with accounting education of less than 50%. Therefore, there is a need for regulations on hotel
               reporting related to water management accountability because it has a negative impact on the community around
               the hotel. The party that can issue this regulation is the local government. The practice of applying water management
               accounting can use a variety of international research adapted to conditions in Yogyakarta. Water is a basic human
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